Le Trochiscanthe nodiflore [TN] n°305 - Mardi 14 février 2012

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Charles Bukowski -
Blue bird

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pendant les travaux
janvier 2012

Carrelage de la cuisine
dans la ferme à Courvières
février 2012

Rougegorge familier
Lac de Saint Point, Vaux et Chantegrue (Haut-Doubs)

dimanche 5 et 12 février 2012

Petit texte :

"There’s a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pour whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that
in there.

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say,
stay down, do you want to mess
me up?
you want to screw up the
you want to blow my book sales in

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever, I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody's asleep.
I say, I know that you're there,
so don't be

then I put him back,
but he's singing a little
in there, I haven't quite let him
and we sleep together like
with our
secret pact
and it's nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don't
weep, do

Charles Bukowski - Blue bird

Pour voir la traduction, cliquez [ici]

Voir la liste des anciens numéros du"Trochiscanthe nodiflore" (les archives) : cliquez [ici]

Site internet : Rencontres sauvages

Me contacter : pascal@pascal-marguet.com

Calendrier 2012 : Pour le télécharger directement au format pdf (1200 ko), cliquez [ici]


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